Thursday, 16 February 2012

Love...something I wrote a while back.

LOVE is when the person of your dreams is always in your thoughts.
It's when you see her face everywhere, no matter where you are.
It's when you think about her all the time, no matter what.
It's when you want her to be with you at all times, no matter how good or how bad.
It's when you always want to see her smiling, regardless of your own emotions.
It's when every pleasant smell, reminds you of the way she smells.
It's when every beautiful thing, reminds you of the way she looks.
It's when every melodious harmony, reminds you of the beautiful sound of her voice.
It's when no matter how down in the dumps you are, a simple 'Hi!' or 'What's the matter?' makes your day.
It's when everytime you see her name on your cell, you skip a heartbeat.
It's when everytime you see her face, you think that you're the luckiest man on this planet.
It's when everytime you're with her, you feel like you would do anything, be anything for her.

Love is much more than just that. Love is a feeling of immeasurable happiness, and yet immeasurable pain, both at once, but yet somehow both these feelings coming together in a perfect blend of harmony as though nature had designed it that way. It offers a pain which can only be numbed by the happiness offered by the same love.

Love is something you can never describe in words. It can only be felt. By a few lucky ones.
And if you're even more insanely lucky, maybe the girl you love will love you back. And'll find heaven on earth.


  1. Arey lover boy , what you feel is general.All of it is true.Well written , brother. :)

    1. Correction: "All you FELT".
      This was written more than an year ago. :)
      But Thanks. :)
